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Ten Essentials You Need To Pack For A Move To Argentina

Packing for a move to a different country can be a daunting task. But before you begin the actual packing, it helps to take stock of what will and will not be useful to you abroad. If you are moving to one of the big cities in Argentina, such as Buenos Aires, then you will be able to locate and buy most essential items quite easily. Things are different in the rural areas and shopping can also turn out be a frustrating process because of the slow pace and the queuing system that is present in most stores. To avoid any hassles as you begin your new life abroad, use this checklist of ten essentials you need to pack when moving to Argentina.Furniture
Many expats choose furnished accommodation and in such cases, it would be wise to place all your furniture items into storage. If you have not opted for furnished accommodation, then you need to check if your current furniture items are suitable for your home or apartment in Argentina. This should not generally be a problem because accommodation is easy to find in Argentina and there are various options available, ranging from homes in the wealthier gated communities to family villas and chalets.

Electronic equipment
Here too a bit of homework is required. If a different voltage is used then your existing electronics may not work there. The electronic essentials that you need to pack usually include your laptop, tablet and mobile phone, along with all the respective chargers. Remember to have everything backed up from your computer before you leave, either on the Internet or on an external drive.

All important paperwork must be safely packed when relocating. This includes your passport, driver’s license, medical records, vaccination records, health insurance policy and prescriptions. Also take a list of emergency contact numbers for your home country and for Argentina. This can come in handy if you require quick assistance. This should include numbers for insurance companies, banking contacts and doctors. Expats who are relocating with children will also need to take along copies of school records.

Apart from your regular clothing, both casual and formal, it would also be useful to take along a warm coat in case you plan a trip to the coast. Here the winds can be cold and you will need to wrap up in something warm. The region west of Patagonia also experiences cold temperatures. A pair of gloves is also a good thing to have with you. A pair of thin gloves is ideal if you are headed to the south, but a thicker pair is essential if you are travelling towards the mountains.

If you have any existing medical condition that requires regular medication, make sure that you have easy access to it in your new location. It is a good idea to take at least a couple months’ supply of your regular medicines.

Walking shoes
A decent pair of walking shoes comes in handy no matter where you go. Trainers work well in Argentina for the most part; if you intend on doing some trekking during your stay, then opt for a pair of walking boots.

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English is widely spoken throughout the big cities, but it still helps to know some Spanish so you can connect with the locals. Some key Spanish words and phrases are also useful when asking for directions or shopping at the local markets. A basic Spanish phrasebook is essential for this purpose.

Duct tape
It may sound like a silly thing to pack, but it could turn out to be the most sensible and effective item in your luggage. You can fix most things with it such as a rip in your suitcase or a tear in your shoes. It can also be useful if you’re renovating or decorating your new home.

Argentinians love to party, especially during the holiday season, and it is common to hear fireworks going off in the streets below. If you are a light sleeper, a pair of earplugs is a must-pack item.

Take along your favorite sunscreen because although it is available in Argentina, it could turn out to be expensive. It may also be hard to find in the rural areas.