Maternity Care In Croatia: What The Options Are And How To Decide On A Birth Plan
Croatia ranks quite highly with regards to its provision of quality healthcare, so if you are an expectant expat, then you should approach maternity care there with confidence, especially if you are planning to use the private sector.Croatian mothers have increasingly been…
How To Register With The Health System In Croatia
Croatia currently has a two-tier health insurance system, which consists of both private and public cover. If you are working in the country, then the latter is compulsory, and your employer will need to register you with the HZZO (the national scheme).…
How To Keep Your Health Insurance Costs Low In Croatia
Croatia operates on a two-tier health insurance system, consisting of both public and private health cover. National health insurance, under the HZZO (the Croatian Institute for Health Insurance, also known as the CHIF), is compulsory and takes the following forms:• Obavezno zdravstveno…
How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Croatia
Croatia is a beautiful country, with a rich history, a hot climate and a delectable cuisine. Whether you are living in the country or just visiting, you will find many opportunities to keep fit and well, from walking and hiking to using…
How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Croatia?
Croatia has both a public and a private healthcare sector. If you are an expat and are working in the country, you will need to be registered with the national health insurance scheme, known as the HZZO.National health insurance is mandatory for…
Hanne and Markus, Koh Samui and Zagreb
Who are you? We are Hanne and Markus, a Finnish couple who decided to try new things and see the…