How To Register With The Health System In Norway
Norway’s healthcare system is arguably one of the best in the world. Founded on the principles of free choice of provider and decentralisation, the healthcare system operates in a similar style to many other Nordic countries: a municipal structure.This means that both…
How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Norway?
Working out the cost of medical treatments can be an arduous task. After all, there’s a distinct difference between the price a procedure costs the medical facility, and the price it charges the patient — and often, these prices are subjective to…
How High Is The Cost Of Expat Living In Oslo?
Norway is well known for being an expensive place to live, particularly its capital city of Oslo. But how much more expensive is living in Oslo really, compared to many other European cities? And is it worth a higher cost of living…
Choosing Your Child’s School In Oslo – A Guide For Expat Parents
Norway’s capital has a reputation for being a great place to raise a family. The clean, safe city life is complimented by a national love of the great outdoors and ready access to Oslofjord.In summer, the hills and islands are an adventure…
Thinking Of Studying Abroad? Norway Is Where You’ll Be Happiest
Education is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of life. In today’s competitive world it often feels essential to have a college degree. Students between the ages of 16 and 21 from all across the globe are now seeking admission in…
David Nikel, Trondheim
Who are you? I’m David Nikel, formerly an IT contractor from Britain but now I live and work in Trondheim,…