
I’m James, 33 years old and I’m currently living in the Caribbean with my wife and two young children. We moved to the Cayman Islands in January 2012. Whilst we’d considered emigrating many times before, it had always felt like an unrealistic dream. An opportunity came up to apply for a position at a large … Read more

Gordon Barlow

My name is Gordon Barlow, married and with grandchildren. I left Australia in 1963, as did my wife, whom I met in Greece the following year. Looking back, it seems I became addicted to the expat life during my second year in Bahamas, after earlier experiences in England and Canada. Gradually the realisation took over … Read more

Daria Kawecka, Grand Cayman

My name is Daria Kawecka and I am a Software Developer from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I moved from Edmonton to Grand Cayman on April 11th 2011. My main reason was for the adventure. What challenges did you face during the move? Moving back home to rent out my condo was hard. Packing up a fairly … Read more