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Croatia – Residency

Croatia has a number of different types of residency permits available to foreign nationals who wish to live and work in the country, including temporary and permanent residence permits.

Temporary Residency

Stay up to 1 year

A temporary residency permit is suitable for individuals who intend to stay in Croatia for a limited period of time. Temporary residency permits are issued for a period of up to one year and are renewable for up to two years.

Stay more than 1 year

If an individual wishes to stay in Croatia for more than one year, they can apply for a temporary residence permit that is valid for up to two years. After this period, the permit can be renewed for another two years, and then again for a final two-year period.

Temporary residency permits are issued to individuals who are planning to work or study in Croatia, or to individuals who own a business in Croatia.

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Permanent Residency

Normal procedure

Permanent residency permits are issued to individuals who wish to live in Croatia on a permanent basis. The application process for a permanent residency permit is more complex than the process for a temporary residency permit, and it can take up to six months for the permit to be issued.

Economic citizenship

An economic citizenship program in Croatia is available to foreign investors who invest a minimum of 300,000 euros in the country. This program allows investors to obtain permanent residency in Croatia and eventually apply for citizenship.

EU Blue Card

The EU Blue Card is a type of work permit that allows foreign nationals to work in Croatia and other EU member states. The permit is issued to highly skilled individuals who have a university degree or several years of professional experience. The EU Blue Card is valid for up to four years and can be renewed.

Applying for Residency in Croatia

To apply for residency in Croatia, foreign nationals must complete an application and provide supporting documents. The application should be submitted to the Croatian embassy or consulate in the applicant’s home country.

Required Documents

The following documents are generally required for a residency permit application in Croatia:

  • Valid passport
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient financial resources to support oneself during the stay in Croatia
  • Background check certificate from the applicant’s home country
  • Proof of accommodation in Croatia
  • Proof of purpose of stay (e.g., work contract or letter of acceptance from a university)

Registering with Authorities

Upon arrival in Croatia, foreign nationals must register with the local police station and obtain a residence permit. They will need to provide their passport, proof of accommodation, and proof of sufficient financial resources.

Obtaining Information on Residency in Croatia

The Ministry of Interior is the government department responsible for issuing residency permits in Croatia. The Ministry’s website provides information on the application process and the required documents. The Croatian embassy or consulate in the applicant’s home country can also provide information on obtaining residency in Croatia. For up-to-date and reliable information on residency in Croatia, foreign nationals can consult the following websites: