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Czech Republic – Disability

The Czech Republic is a country located in Central Europe, with a population of around 10 million people. Disability in the Czech Republic is approached from a social model perspective, which means that disability is viewed as a social construct rather than a medical condition. This perspective emphasizes the importance of eliminating social barriers that restrict the participation and inclusion of people with disabilities in society.

Attitudes to Disability

Attitudes to disability in the Czech Republic have improved over the years, but there is still room for progress. People with disabilities are generally seen as part of society and are not stigmatized as much as in the past. However, some negative attitudes still exist, particularly towards people with intellectual disabilities.

Discrimination and Legislation Issues

The Czech Republic has made significant progress in terms of legislation protecting the rights of people with disabilities. The Act on Social Services, for example, provides a comprehensive legal framework for the provision of social services to people with disabilities. In addition, the Act on Equal Treatment and the Act on Public Procurement contain provisions that aim to prevent discrimination against people with disabilities.

Despite these positive steps, discrimination against people with disabilities still occurs in the Czech Republic. One area of concern is access to education, with many children with disabilities being educated in separate schools rather than mainstream schools. Employment opportunities for people with disabilities are also limited, with many employers not willing to make reasonable accommodations to enable them to work.

Public Transport and Building Access

The Czech Republic has made progress in terms of improving accessibility to public transport and buildings for people with disabilities. All buses and trams in Prague, for example, are wheelchair accessible, and many railway stations have been adapted to provide easy access for people with disabilities. However, there are still challenges to be addressed, particularly in older buildings, which can be difficult for people with mobility impairments to navigate.

Lobbying/Advocacy Groups

There are several organizations in the Czech Republic that work to promote the rights of people with disabilities:

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  • The Czech Disability Forum: This is an umbrella organization that represents people with disabilities in the Czech Republic. It works to promote their rights and inclusion in society. Contact details can be found on their website: https://www.forumromu.cz/.
  • The Czech Association of Paraplegics:: This organization provides support and advocacy for people with spinal cord injuries. They also work to promote accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities. Contact details can be found on their website: https://www.paraplegie.cz/.
  • The Czech Association of the Deaf:: This organization works to promote the rights of deaf people in the Czech Republic. They provide support and advocacy services, as well as promoting sign language and deaf culture. Contact details can be found on their website: https://www.szn.cz/.

The Czech Republic has made significant progress in terms of legislation and accessibility for people with disabilities. However, discrimination still occurs in some areas, particularly in education and employment. There is a need for continued advocacy and awareness-raising to promote the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities in Czech society.