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Egypt – Leisure and Entertainment

Major Cultural Attractions in Egypt

Egypt is a country steeped in history and culture, with a rich heritage that spans thousands of years. Visitors to Egypt can experience this history and culture through a range of cultural attractions, including museums, ancient ruins, and historic sites. Some of the most popular cultural attractions in Egypt include:

The Pyramids of Giza

The Pyramids of Giza are among the most iconic and recognizable landmarks in the world. These ancient structures were built more than 4,500 years ago, and they continue to fascinate visitors from around the globe. Visitors can explore the pyramids and the nearby Sphinx, which is carved from a single block of limestone.

The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum is located in Cairo and is home to an extensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts, including mummies, sarcophagi, and hieroglyphics. The museum’s collection is considered one of the most significant in the world, and visitors can spend hours exploring the exhibits.

Luxor Temple

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Luxor Temple is an ancient temple complex located in the city of Luxor. The temple was built more than 3,000 years ago and is dedicated to the god Amun. Visitors can explore the temple’s halls, courtyards, and shrines, and marvel at the intricate carvings and hieroglyphics.

Socializing and Leisure Activities in Egypt

Socializing is an essential part of life in Egypt, and there are many ways to do it. From family gatherings to community events, there are plenty of opportunities to meet new people and make friends. Some of the most popular leisure activities in Egypt include:

Food and Drink

Food and drink are central to socializing in Egypt, with many local dishes and drinks to try. Some of the most popular dishes include koshari, ful medames, and molokhia, while local drinks include tea and hibiscus juice. There are many restaurants and cafes throughout the country, and many local markets offer fresh, locally sourced produce.

Music and Dance

Music and dance are integral parts of Egyptian culture, and there are many opportunities to experience them. Traditional music and dance can be found at festivals and cultural events throughout the country. Belly dancing is also popular, with many clubs and dance schools catering to both beginners and experienced dancers.


Sports are also popular in Egypt, with soccer being the most popular. Other popular sports include basketball, volleyball, and tennis. There are many local sports clubs and teams, and many neighborhoods have their own soccer fields and basketball courts.


Shopping is a popular leisure activity in Egypt, with many local markets and bazaars to explore. Visitors can find everything from spices and textiles to jewelry and handicrafts. The Khan el-Khalili market in Cairo is one of the most famous and is a must-visit for anyone interested in shopping in Egypt.

Expat Social Scene in Egypt

Egypt has a small but active expat community, with many foreigners choosing to live and work in the country. The expat community in Egypt is diverse, with many different nationalities and backgrounds represented. There are several expat clubs, societies, and organizations in Egypt, including:

Cairo American College

The Cairo American College is a K-12 school for expat children living in Cairo. The school has a large expat community and hosts regular events and activities for parents and families. The school’s parent-teacher organization is also active and provides support and resources for expat families living in Cairo.

The Cairo Connection

The Cairo Connection is an expat group that hosts regular social events and activities for expats living in Cairo. The group is open to all nationalities and backgrounds and provides a platform for expats to connect and make new friends in the city.


Internations is a global expat community that has a chapter in Cairo. The group hosts regular social events and networking opportunities for expats living in the city. Members can also access a range of online resources, including forums and discussion groups.

Cairo Hash House Harriers

The Cairo Hash House Harriers is a running club that welcomes both expats and locals. The club hosts regular runs and social events, providing opportunities for members to meet new people and explore the city.

The Cairo Book Club

The Cairo Book Club is a social group for expats who love to read. The club meets monthly to discuss a chosen book, and members can share their thoughts and opinions in a friendly and supportive environment.

Egypt offers a rich and diverse range of cultural attractions and leisure activities, from ancient ruins and museums to food, music, and sports. Socializing is an essential part of life in Egypt, with many opportunities to meet new people and make friends. For expats, there are several organizations and clubs that provide resources, support, and opportunities to connect with other expats living in the country. Whether you are a visitor or a long-term resident, there is always something new and exciting to discover in Egypt.