Joanna Shebson, Jerusalem

Who are you? Joanna Shebson. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I moved to Jerusalem, Israel from Los Angeles with my husband and two children in August 2007.We moved for religious reasons to raise our kids in a Jewish State. What challenges did you face during the move? The biggest challenge is language … Read more

Samuel Green, Tel Aviv

Who are you? I’m Samuel Green, born in the UK and living in Tel Aviv, Israel for the past 7 years.I’m a licensed tour guide here, I have a radio show and also work with start-ups in the local tech scene. Where, when and why did you move abroad? I initially left the UK in … Read more

Katie Denton, Tel Aviv

Who are you? My name is Katie and I am a Brit, married to an israel, living in Israel with 3 small children. Where, when and why did you move abroad? We moved to Israel in 2004 after years of a long distance relationship followed by a few years based in the UK. What challenges … Read more

Tel Aviv

I am a 27-year-old Southern born and bred gal living in the beautiful country of Israel with my husband and precious pooch. Besides chronicling my adventures abroad on my blog, I volunteer with Save A Child’s Heart, an organization dedicated to providing heart surgery to children from developing countries, and attend a language immersion … Read more

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