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Malta – Disability

Common Attitudes to Disability in Malta

Malta is known for its inclusive and supportive attitudes towards people with disabilities. The country has made significant progress in recent years towards promoting the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities.

Discrimination and Legislation Issues in Relation to Disability in Malta

Malta has enacted several laws that protect the rights of people with disabilities, including the Equality for Persons with Disabilities Act 2017. The act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations for employees with disabilities.

Despite these legal protections, people with disabilities in Malta may still face discrimination and barriers to participation in society. Employment opportunities for people with disabilities can be limited, and some employers may be hesitant to hire people with disabilities.

Public Transport and Building Access for the Disabled in Malta

Public transport in Malta is generally accessible for people with disabilities, with many buses and trains equipped with wheelchair ramps and designated seating areas. Building access in Malta is also generally good, with many buildings having wheelchair ramps and accessible restrooms.

Lobbying and Advocacy Groups in Malta

There are several organizations in Malta that work to promote the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. Some of the most prominent include:

  • The Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: The commission is an independent statutory body that promotes and safeguards the rights of people with disabilities in Malta. They provide support and services for people with disabilities and advocate for their rights.

  • Inclusion Malta: Inclusion Malta is a nonprofit organization that provides support and services for people with disabilities and their families in Malta. They work to promote the inclusion and participation of people with disabilities in society.

  • The National Commission Persons with Disability (KNPD): KNPD is an independent body that represents the interests of people with disabilities in Malta. They provide support and services for people with disabilities and advocate for their rights.

Malta has made significant progress towards promoting the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities, with generally good access to public transport and buildings. However, there is still work to be done to promote further inclusion and accessibility, particularly in employment opportunities.

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Advocacy groups in Malta are working towards further promoting the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities in the country. With continued efforts, progress can be made towards creating a fully inclusive society for people with disabilities in Malta.