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Morocco – Property Taxes

  • Property tax in Morocco is known as “taxe foncière” and is based on the value of the property.
  • The tax rate varies depending on the location of the property, with rates generally ranging from 0.1% to 2% of the property’s value.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT)

  • CGT is imposed on the sale of property in Morocco, and the rate is 30%.
  • CGT is calculated on the difference between the acquisition price and the selling price, after deducting the expenses related to the sale.

Inheritance Tax

  • Inheritance tax in Morocco is based on the value of the property and the relationship between the deceased and the heir.
  • The tax rate can vary from 0% to 40%, depending on the circumstances and the relationship.

Gift Tax

  • Gift tax in Morocco is imposed on gifts of property and is calculated as a percentage of the value of the gift.
  • The tax rate can vary from 0% to 40%, depending on the circumstances and the relationship.

Tax on Property Income

  • Income earned from renting out property in Morocco is subject to income tax.
  • The tax rate can vary depending on the type of property and the income earned.

Tax Advantages

  • There are no specific tax advantages for buying a house in Morocco.
  • However, foreign buyers are required to obtain a permit from the Moroccan government in order to purchase property in certain restricted zones.
  • Additionally, Morocco has a number of double tax treaties in place with various countries, which can provide tax benefits for foreign investors.