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Norway – Health Insurance

Norway is known for its high-quality healthcare system, which is primarily funded by the government through taxation. In this article, we will explore the mandatory health insurance system in Norway, what it covers, how to apply for it, and the advantages of international private medical insurance for expats living in Norway.

Health Insurance Requirements in Norway

Health insurance is mandatory for everyone residing in Norway. The Norwegian health insurance system is known as the National Insurance Scheme (NIS). It is a public insurance system that covers essential medical services and helps to make healthcare more accessible and affordable for everyone in Norway.

State Health Insurance System in Norway

The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) is funded by taxation and is available to all legal residents of Norway. The system covers essential medical services, such as doctor visits, hospital stays, and certain dental procedures.

The NIS also covers certain prescription medications, medical equipment, and rehabilitation services. In addition, it provides sick pay and disability benefits for those who are unable to work due to a medical condition.

What does the State Health Insurance System Cover in Norway

The National Insurance Scheme (NIS) covers essential medical services and treatments that are medically necessary. These include:

  • Doctor visits
  • Hospital stays
  • Prescription medications (certain medications are excluded)
  • Medical equipment (such as crutches, wheelchairs, and hearing aids)
  • Rehabilitation services
  • Dental care (for certain conditions)
  • Maternity care
  • Mental health services
  • Transportation to and from medical appointments

It’s worth noting that the NIS does not cover all medical expenses. For example, it does not cover cosmetic surgeries or alternative therapies, such as acupuncture.

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Applying for State Health Insurance System in Norway

To apply for the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in Norway, follow these steps:

  1. Register with the Norwegian Tax Administration by visiting their website or in person at one of their service centers.
  2. Once you have been registered, you will receive a national ID number (personnummer).
  3. Using your national ID number, you can then apply for the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) by contacting the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV) either online or by visiting one of their service centers.
  4. You will need to provide proof of identity and residency, such as a passport or visa, and a rental agreement or employment contract.
  5. Once your application has been processed, you will receive your NIS card in the mail.

Advantages of Private Medical Insurance in Norway

While the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in Norway provides comprehensive coverage for essential medical services, there are some limitations. For example, it does not cover elective surgeries or treatments, such as cosmetic surgeries or fertility treatments.

For this reason, many expats living in Norway choose to purchase international private medical insurance to supplement their NIS coverage. International private medical insurance can provide additional coverage for:

  • Elective surgeries and treatments
  • Repatriation expenses
  • Maternity care and childbirth
  • Vision and dental care
  • Alternative therapies

In addition, international private medical insurance can provide access to a wider network of healthcare providers, including private clinics and hospitals.

Another advantage of international private medical insurance is that it can provide coverage for medical emergencies when traveling outside of Norway. This can include emergency medical evacuation, repatriation expenses, and emergency medical care.

In summary, while the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) in Norway provides comprehensive coverage for essential medical services, expats living in Norway may benefit from purchasing international private medical insurance to supplement their coverage and provide additional protection in case of medical emergencies or unexpected medical expenses.