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Oman – Property Taxes

The most common taxes and fees when buying or selling a property in Oman include:

  • Property transfer fee: A fee charged by the government on the transfer of ownership of a property, usually around 2-3% of the property’s value.

  • Real Estate Agency Commission: A fee charged by the real estate agent for their services in the transaction, typically between 1-3% of the property’s value.

  • Tax on Rentals: Property owners in Oman are required to pay a tax on their rental income, which is usually around 12% of the rental income.

Describe the property tax, CGT, inheritance tax, gift tax, tax on property income in Oman. Give examples.

  • Property Tax: There is no property tax in Oman, so property owners do not need to pay any taxes on their property.

  • Capital Gains Tax (CGT): There is no CGT in Oman, so property sellers do not need to pay taxes on the profits they make from selling their property.

  • Inheritance Tax: There is no inheritance tax in Oman, so heirs do not need to pay taxes on their inheritance.

  • Gift Tax: There is no gift tax in Oman, so gifts are not taxed in the country.

  • Tax on Property Income

    : As mentioned above, property owners in Oman are required to pay a tax on their rental income, which is usually around 12% of the rental income.

Tax Advantages in Buying a House in Oman

There are no specific tax advantages for buying a house in Oman. However, the absence of property tax, CGT, inheritance tax, gift tax, and other taxes makes buying a property in Oman relatively tax-friendly compared to many other countries.