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Singapore – Health Issues

Singapore is known for its world-class healthcare system, with a focus on preventative measures and early detection. However, like any other country, it still faces various health issues. In this article, we will discuss some common health issues affecting the population in Singapore, as well as the prevalence of smoking and related legislation.

Common Health Issues


Obesity is a growing concern in Singapore. According to a study conducted in 2017, the prevalence of obesity among adults has increased from 6.9% in 2004 to 8.6% in 2010. In 2020, a study by the Health Promotion Board revealed that one in three adults in Singapore were overweight or obese. The study also found that obesity rates were higher among those with lower levels of education and income.


Diabetes is another prevalent health issue in Singapore, with an estimated one in nine adults suffering from the condition. The prevalence of diabetes in Singapore has been on the rise over the years, with an increase from 8.2% in 2004 to 11.3% in 2010. The Ministry of Health has implemented various initiatives to address the issue, such as the “War on Diabetes” campaign, which aims to raise awareness and encourage Singaporeans to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Mental Health

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Mental health is also a growing concern in Singapore, with an estimated one in seven people suffering from a mental health condition. Stress and anxiety are the most common mental health issues faced by Singaporeans, with work-related stress being a major contributor. The government has implemented various initiatives to address mental health issues, including the establishment of the National Mental Health Blueprint, which aims to improve mental health services and raise awareness.

Smoking in Singapore

Prevalence of Smoking

Smoking is relatively uncommon in Singapore, with a smoking rate of only 10.6% among adults as of 2020. The prevalence of smoking has been declining over the years, thanks to the government’s efforts to discourage smoking and promote a smoke-free environment.

Attitudes towards Smoking

In Singapore, smoking is generally viewed as a negative habit, with many people seeing it as a health risk and a nuisance. Smoking is banned in most public places, including restaurants, bars, and public transportation. Smokers are also required to pay a higher price for cigarettes compared to other countries, with a pack of cigarettes costing around SGD $14.00.

Legislation on Smoking

Singapore has some of the strictest smoking laws in the world. The Smoking (Prohibition in Certain Places) Act was enacted in 1970 to prohibit smoking in public places, and has been amended over the years to include more areas. In 2019, the government announced that it would be banning the sale of all tobacco products to anyone born after the year 2000, in a bid to reduce the number of smokers in the country.

In conclusion, Singapore faces a range of health issues, with obesity, diabetes, and mental health being some of the most prevalent. However, the country’s healthcare system is well-equipped to address these issues, with a focus on preventative measures and early detection. Additionally, the government’s efforts to discourage smoking have led to a relatively low smoking rate in the country, and some of the strictest smoking laws in the world.