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Sweden – Doctors

Sweden has a well-established public healthcare system that offers access to medical care for all citizens and legal residents. In this article, we will explore how to find and register with a local doctor in Sweden, how doctor’s appointments are paid for, and how to transfer medical documents from abroad.

Finding and Registering with a Local Doctor

Finding and registering with a local doctor in Sweden is relatively easy. The first step is to register with the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), which will provide you with a Personal Identity Number (Personnummer). This number is essential for accessing the Swedish healthcare system.

Once you have your Personnummer, you can find a local doctor by using the Swedish healthcare website 1177.se. This website provides information on all public healthcare providers in Sweden, including doctors, hospitals, and clinics. You can search for a doctor based on your location, medical condition, and language preferences.

Once you have found a doctor, you will need to register with them. To do this, you can call the doctor’s office or clinic and request an appointment. During your first visit, you will need to provide your Personnummer and a valid form of identification, such as a passport or national ID card.

Payment for Doctor’s Appointments

In Sweden, healthcare is publicly funded, which means that doctor’s appointments are largely paid for through taxes. However, there are some costs associated with accessing healthcare, such as prescription charges and some specialist services.

If you are not a Swedish citizen or resident, you will need to pay for healthcare services yourself. However, many private healthcare insurance providers offer coverage for medical services in Sweden. If you have private healthcare insurance, you should check with your provider to see what services are covered.

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Transferring Medical Documents from Abroad

If you are moving to Sweden from abroad, it is essential to transfer your medical documents to your new doctor. This will ensure that your doctor has a complete medical history and can provide the best possible care.

To transfer your medical documents to a doctor in Sweden, you should contact your previous doctor and request that they send a copy of your medical records to your new doctor. You will need to provide your new doctor’s contact details, including their name, address, and phone number.

It is also a good idea to bring a copy of your medical records with you when you visit your new doctor for the first time. This can help your doctor to understand your medical history and provide better care.

Finding and registering with a local doctor in Sweden is a straightforward process, and the public healthcare system provides access to medical care for all citizens and legal residents. Doctor’s appointments are largely paid for through taxes, and private healthcare insurance is available for those who require it. Transferring medical documents from abroad is also easy, and it is essential to provide your new doctor with a complete medical history to ensure that you receive the best possible care.