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Turkey – Finding Employment

Turkey, located at the intersection of Europe and Asia, is a country with a growing economy and a diverse job market. With a population of over 80 million people, Turkey offers a wide range of employment opportunities for both locals and foreigners.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the job market in Turkey, workplace culture, major recruitment agencies and job sites, the typical CV structure, job application process, and how to transfer qualifications from your home country to Turkey.

Job Market in Turkey

Turkey’s economy has been steadily growing over the years, and the country has become an attractive destination for foreign investors. The main industries in Turkey include textiles, food processing, automotive, electronics, and tourism. The service sector is also significant in the Turkish economy.

There is a high demand for skilled workers in various industries, particularly in the IT and technology sector. With Turkey’s young population and the government’s investment in education, there is a growing pool of talented graduates in fields such as engineering, computer science, and business.

Workplace Culture in Turkey

The workplace culture in Turkey is generally hierarchical, with a strong emphasis on respect for authority. The boss is seen as the ultimate authority figure, and their decisions are rarely questioned. It is important to show deference and respect to your superiors in the workplace.

The official language of Turkey is Turkish, and fluency in the language is necessary for most jobs. However, many international companies operate in Turkey, and English is widely spoken in the business world. Knowledge of other languages such as Arabic, German, or French can also be an advantage, depending on the industry.

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Major Recruitment Agencies and Job Sites

There are several recruitment agencies and job sites in Turkey that can help you find employment opportunities:

  • Kariyer.net: One of the largest job sites in Turkey, Kariyer.net has a wide range of job postings in various industries and locations.

  • SecretCV: SecretCV is a job site that focuses on professional and executive-level positions.

  • Yenibiris: This job site features a mix of entry-level and professional job opportunities in various industries.

  • Adecco: Adecco is a global recruitment agency that operates in Turkey and can assist with finding temporary or permanent positions in various industries.

  • Manpower: Manpower is another global recruitment agency with a presence in Turkey, specializing in matching candidates with their clients’ needs.

Typical CV Structure in Turkey

The typical CV structure in Turkey is similar to that of other European countries. A standard CV should include:

  • Personal Information: Name, address, phone number, and email address.

  • Objective: A brief statement outlining your career goals and how they align with the position you are applying for.

  • Education: List your education, including degrees earned, institutions attended, and dates.

  • Work Experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order, including job title, company name, employment dates, and a brief description of your responsibilities.

  • Skills: Include any relevant skills you have, such as computer skills or language proficiency.

  • References: Include two to three professional references, along with their contact information.

Job Application Process in Turkey

The job application process in Turkey typically involves submitting your CV and a cover letter, either online or in person. Depending on the industry and the position, you may also need to provide a portfolio of your work or take a skills test.

If you are selected for an interview, it is important to dress professionally and arrive on time. During the interview, it is essential to show respect for the interviewer and their company, and to answer questions truthfully and concisely. It is also important to ask questions about the position and the company to demonstrate your interest.

Transferring Qualifications to Turkey

If you want to work in Turkey with a foreign degree or diploma, you need to get it evaluated by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) or the Higher Education Institution (Yüksek∂_retim Kurulu).

The evaluation process starts with an application to YÖK, accompanied by a copy of the diploma or degree certificate, an official transcript of courses, and an official document that confirms the status of the university or college where the degree or diploma was obtained.

After receiving and reviewing the application, YÖK may require additional documents or information, such as a description of the curriculum, course syllabi, and other related documents. Once the evaluation is complete, YÖK will issue a certificate of equivalency, which indicates the level of the foreign qualification in the Turkish education system.

The certificate of equivalency is required to apply for some jobs in Turkey, especially in the public sector, where the minimum educational requirements are specified in terms of Turkish qualifications. In the private sector, some employers may also require a certificate of equivalency for foreign qualifications, especially for professional licenses or certifications.

In addition to YÖK, there are other professional organizations and associations that oversee the recognition of foreign qualifications in specific fields, such as medicine, engineering, law, and accounting. These organizations may require additional examinations or training to verify the knowledge and skills of the applicant and ensure that they meet the standards of the profession in Turkey.

Some examples of such organizations include:

  • The Turkish Medical Association (TTB) for medical doctors
  • The Chamber of Mechanical Engineers (MMO) for mechanical engineers
  • The Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) for various engineering and architecture professions
  • The Union of Turkish Bar Associations (TBB) for lawyers

If you have a professional license or certification from your home country, you should also check whether it is recognized in Turkey and whether you need to apply for a separate license or certification from a Turkish authority.

Overall, the process of transferring qualifications from your home country to Turkey can be complex and time-consuming, depending on the type of qualification, the field of work, and the requirements of the employer or regulatory authority. Therefore, it is advisable to start the evaluation process well in advance of your intended employment in Turkey and to consult with the relevant authorities and organizations to ensure a smooth transition to the Turkish job market.