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United States – Importing a Pet

If you are planning on moving to the United States and bringing your furry friend with you, it is important to know the requirements and regulations for importing your pet. Here we will cover the most important information you need to know before bringing your pet to the United States.

Pet Importation Rules

The United States does allow the import of pets. However, there are certain restrictions and requirements that must be met in order to bring your pet into the country.

Restrictions on types of pets

While there are no breed restrictions for dogs and cats, there are some restrictions on certain types of pets. For example, some species of birds, turtles, and other reptiles are prohibited from being imported into the United States due to health concerns and risk of disease transmission. It is important to research the specific requirements for your pet’s species before making any travel plans.

Vaccination Requirements in the United States

All dogs and cats entering the United States must be vaccinated against rabies. The vaccination must be administered at least 30 days prior to travel, and must be valid for the entire length of the pet’s stay in the United States. In addition, depending on the state of entry, there may be additional vaccination requirements, such as for distemper or other diseases.

Importation Application Procedure

The application procedure to import a pet to the United States varies depending on the country of origin. Generally, you will need to obtain a health certificate from a licensed veterinarian in your home country within 10 days of travel. This certificate will need to include proof of vaccinations and a statement certifying that your pet is healthy and free from any contagious diseases. You may also need to obtain an import permit from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) if your pet is arriving from certain countries.

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Quarantine Rules in the United States

In general, there is no quarantine period required for pets entering the United States. However, if your pet shows signs of illness upon arrival, they may be subject to quarantine at the owner’s expense.

International Travel Scheme for Pets

The United States is a member of the International Pet Travel Scheme (PETS), which allows for certain pets to travel between member countries without the need for quarantine. However, the United States has additional requirements for pet entry that may differ from other member countries.

Pet Licenses in the United States

There is no federal requirement for pet licensing in the United States, but many states and municipalities have their own licensing requirements. It is important to research the licensing requirements for your specific area and to ensure that your pet is properly registered.

Resources in the United States

The USDA provides detailed information on the requirements for importing pets into the United States on their website: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/pet-travel. It is recommended to review this information thoroughly and to contact the appropriate authorities with any questions or concerns.