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Visas, Vaccinations, And Common Tax Issues For Expats

In our latest podcast, Oliver Heslop talks about some of the most commonly encountered tax challenges for British expats. Taxation can be a minefield to navigate, so it really helps to have someone around who understands the system and knows what they’re doing; listen to Oliver’s tips to get you started.

Tax administration is particularly important for those who run small businesses; if you’re planning to start up your own company when you move abroad, why not take a look at Portugal’s new start-up visas?Of course taxes aren’t the only money-related headache that expats can encounter. Often renting a property isn’t as straightforward as we’d like it to be; so much depends on finding a good landlord, which can be harder than it sounds! This month, we caught up with the people at !WOON to find out about the free advice they offer expat renters in Amsterdam.

If you’re not setting up your own business, perhaps you’re moving abroad due to a job offer in another country? That’s what happened to Ben Zabulis, who talks in his latest column about how he came to live in Hong Kong.

It’s not just money you have to think of when you’re living abroad, though: vaccinations are necessary if you’re living in certain areas. If you’re thinking of moving to Ecuador, here’s what you should think about medically before you arrive.

On a lighter note, if you’ve recently moved to Oman and you’re looking for new friends, here’s a guide to some of the meetups and social groups there.