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Go Back to the UK or Stay in Australia?

by Viveca Trader

Some time ago you decided to make the big move to Australia, either by yourself or as a family. It has now been a year or more since you arrived in Oz. You wonder why you are not that happy living there. Before you arrived in Australia, you dreamed about having a new start in your life and this was the refreshment you so wanted. Back in the UK the opportunities in Australia seemed endless…and now you are stuck and wonder why ‘I feel so confused and lost’?

Before making the big decision about moving, you need to do a reality check on what your life is at present. What is good in your life and what problems do you have? What do you hope to achieve by moving? You need to ask yourself the main reasons and to be completely honest with yourself. Are you trying to simplify things? Are you bored in your career and want to do something new? Do you want a better climate? What is the cost of living etc? Do a list and write it all down, whatever comes to your mind. This will give you clarity about what is important to you. Once you have all the important reasons why you would like to move you need to ask yourself: What is stopping you today from creating that life? And how will I apply what is important to me in Australia?I would like to compare relocating to starting your own business and getting it up and running. First of all you must have motivation, without motivation you won’t achieve much and this applies in life no matter where you live. Then you need a vision about how your ideal life would look, what would you like to add or delete from your life. In business you need well-thought strategies in how to become successful, and so it is in life too. (Success is different to all of us) You will need a massive amount of resilience, as you will have setbacks, and this is why your vision is so important; don’t let setbacks sabotage your relocation and the ideal life you are trying to create. It takes time. Be patient. You need to meet people and make friends and this can be hard work. You need to make an effort. You will have to go after what you want, no one is going to knock on your door and give you what you are looking for.

Confusion is a good thing. That means your brain is trying to digest all new information that you have absorbed. Because everything is new when you relocate, your brain has an enormous amount of information to work on (out are the old habits and routines – your brain is confused). In general it often takes about 2 years for the brain to get familiar with all new information and impressions you gain when you relocate. Relocation is a very good exercise for the brain.

Sometimes, people make the choice to move away or go abroad for the wrong reasons. This can result in an expensive and emotionally draining mistake. Make sure you know the true reasons for your next move, whether it be staying in Australia or moving back to the UK.