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5 Good Reasons You Should Move To Brazil (And 1 Reason You Shouldn’t!)

No matter which part of the world you come from, if you are global traveller or expat, there’s a good chance that Brazil will feature quite high up on your itinerary. Brazil has become a global tourist destination over the last few decades, but her beaches and culture aren’t all that’s popular. Brazil’s economy has witnessed tremendous growth and it has also proved to be rather resilient, withstanding and emerging relatively unscathed from the chaos of the global recession that hit every major economy in the past decade. This makes it an attractive destination not just for travellers but also for working professionals and business entrepreneurs.

The Landscape

Brazil truly is an incredibly beautiful country and it is the definition of paradise for any traveller.The country has 5000 miles of coastline, dotted with some of the most beautiful beaches in the world and hundreds of exotic tropical islands. Brazil is probably most famous for its beaches and for the vibrant beach life. The most popular beaches may be crowded, but there are plenty of beaches that are peaceful and some are in fact protected in ecological sanctuaries. As you move further inland from the coast, you’re greeted with landscapes that are no less spectacular. The Amazon River and Rainforest is the largest surviving natural forest in the world and Brazil has over 60 national parks and sanctuaries. Most are open to visitors and will give you a glimpse into the natural beauty and wildlife of the continent.

The Local Population

Most people go to Brazil for the beaches and stay there for the people. Brazil epitomizes the modern cosmopolitan culture and it truly is a melting pot of ethnicity and culture. While the world may be best acquainted with Brazil’s carnival, the samba and the yellow soccer jerseys, there’s a lot more to Brazil’s population. Brazil’s culture has evolved a lot since the rather violent and dramatic arrival of Europeans in the New World some 500 years ago. Despite their often troubled past, the country’s diverse varied ethnic groups have come together to form an intricate and dazzling tapestry of culture that is uniquely Brazilian. This of course isn’t, in itself, what draws tourists and expats to the country. Brazilians are extremely amiable and social and there is scarcely a place in the world where one would feel more welcome. They are friendly towards tourists, hospitable and generous. Often, locals will strike up conversations and even invite you into their homes without any hesitation. People are always cheerful and optimistic, no matter how tough times may get, and this air of jubilance can be intoxicating and addictive, making it hard to leave.

Public Health Care

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Brazil has free universal healthcare, which means that anyone in the country can get medical treatment. There are health posts in Brazil that are even free to foreigners, so you don’t need to worry too much about healthcare costs. This said, public health care is underfunded and this results in problems with infrastructure and long waiting lines. The private healthcare system is booming however, and provides people with access to quality healthcare. Employers provide health insurance to employees, so make sure that private medical plans will be covered by your employer.

The Food

Brazil’s cuisine is just as diverse as its landscape and population and the biodiversity in the region means that country also has a widest range of fruits, vegetables and spices. Different regions have different specialties, and while most of the local fare is meat-based, a vegetarian would never go hungry in Brazil. While meat eaters can go nuts with the local Feijoada and churrasco, vegetarians will find a wider variety of fruits here than in any other part of the world. From acerola to carambola, the list of exotic fruits just never seems to end.

Local Economy

Despite the recession and global economic slump, Brazil’s economy proved to be surprisingly robust and has shown steady growth. Brazil’s banking system may seem infuriatingly complicated, but it helped insulate the country from the fallout of the 2008 economic crisis. This makes it a great country for investment and new businesses.

While settling in Brazil may seem to have only positives, every country does have its problems as well. One of the most common complaints is that a huge part of the local population does not have an appreciation for the natural beauty that they are blessed with, reflected in the scant respect and concern for the environment. While there are citizens and governmental organizations that are doing their best to protect their natural heritage, there is still a lot of wastefulness, and a disregard for cleanliness and conservation.