From Spain to Bahrain – Two Old Fools Go Shopping

October is the month for stock-piling firewood in our little Spanish village of El Hoyo. Evenings are very cool, and by the end of the month we would be lighting the wood-burning stove nightly. Not so here in the Kingdom of Bahrain where, for just one year, we’re working as teachers in an International School. … Read more

From Spain to Bahrain – Two Old Fools and Ramadan

Was it really less than three weeks ago that Joe and I sat in our kitchen in Spain, wondering what our new life in Bahrain held in store? We’d agreed to exchange our idyllic, if sometimes crazy, life in a tiny Spanish mountain village – for a year teaching in Bahrain. We were replacing mountains … Read more

Tales from a Spanish Village – Two Old Fools on a Camel

Ironic isn’t it? Our grapes will be ready in a couple of weeks, but we won’t be eating them. They’ve never looked better; plump, blushing purple, huge heavy bunches ripening in the Spanish sun. And we’ll never taste them. They are building a new council building in the village which should be ready in time … Read more

Tales from a Spanish Village – An Old Fool’s Birthday

‘I’m in heaven!’ Joe crowed. ‘Do you realise that on my birthday, it’s the British Grand Prix, Moto GP…AND…the World Cup final? Wall-to-wall sport! Now, if you were to serve me tapas in the nude, it would be the best birthday ever!’ I snorted. As if! I was busy scraping away at two scratch-cards that … Read more

Tales from a Spanish Village – Cowboys in the Desert

It’s been a long winter and excessive rain has resulted in the village being even quieter than usual. Our mountains have been shrouded in mist and we’ve stayed indoors. Recently, however, we’ve had a few days of sunshine, just in time for some old friends from England who came to stay for a visit. When … Read more

Tales from a Spanish Village – Killer Caterpillars

Joe and I are seriously considering building an ark. The rain, which started well before Christmas, is still coming down like stair-rods. The Spanish news speaks of little else and shows us images of flooded towns, collapsed bridges and roads blocked by mudslides and rock falls. Apparently, this is the wettest winter on record. To … Read more

Americans, You’ve Been Warned!

If you’ve read my book, you’ll know that I go to great pains to keep Americans apprised of British customs, sayings and manners. Not that we all take tea at precisely 4pm every day, or consort with the Queen on a regular basis, but there are some things that while minor, make all the difference. … Read more