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Costa Rica – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Costa Rica and some of the blogs that might be useful for expats there.De la Pura Vida

Putting down roots as an expat can be hard. All of the normal experiences of life with the additional veneer of living in a non-native culture. It can also be amazing. De la Pura Vida is the story of Erin who left behind the cubicle life for a tiny treehouse in the Costa Rican jungle and then a hippie pirate shipwreck island, and in her words, during the process discovered a freer, healthier, happier life.

The Real Costa Rica

Health is one of the biggest questions that expats want to avoid answering when they move their lives abroad, but the Real Costa Rica blog shares the author’s genuine experiences both health and travel-wise for travelers, retirees, expats and anyone who needs to know the REAL Costa Rica.

A Dull Roar

It’s no surprise that ‘Gringo’ expats decide to retire in Costa Rica for a wide variety of reasons. But what this Oregonian family discovered was a ‘Land of Eternal Spring’ and a home that entertained a a huge variety of tropical birds and animals including toucans, hawks, tepezquintle, tolomucos, anteaters, armadillos and porcupines – to mention but a few of the locals.

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Live in Costa Rica

Sharing his golden rules for finding happiness and success in Costa Rica (including the importance of being realistic and having a hobby), how important learning Spanish is and time-learned tips for anyone looking to exchange their native homes for a jungle paradise, Christopher’s long-term love letter ‘Live In Costa Rica’ is a must-read.

Costa Rica Curious

Leaving behind American cubicle life for volcanoes, nature & jungle (certainly not the average 9-5 corporate commute), Costa Rica Curious is a well-written collection of adventures. Chris and Jen not only left behind their regrets but have discovered a new life of hiking, hobbies and the stories of their new neighbours.

Moved To Costa Rica

Living in a tropical paradise changes people. From building a small casita from scratch to getting their permanent residency on the ‘on the dark side of the country where the waters are warm and blue’, retiring to the country embodying la pura vida has been an intriguing journey for Trey and his partner.

My Tan Feet

Samantha and Yeison had their lives changes when they met whilst volunteering in Costa Rica. American Samantha was a undecided student on a college exchange-type programme and wanderlusting Tico Yeison wanted to see the world. They met and after a long-distance whirlwind romance share their adventures together via their blog My Tan Feet.

La Pura Vida Costa Rica

Falling in love with the Pacific coast, in the Osa region of Costa Rica, JuliAnne has lived in her adoptive home continent for 9 years. Initially moving to the rainforest paradise for a few months, she packed her car and has never really looked back from her adventures. A perfect read for anyone thinking of taking on an expat life, La Pura Vida Costa Rica is a lovely insight.

Costa Rica Chica

Trying to fit into the local supermarket scene with her blonde locks and tall husband has been an eye-opening experience for this Chica. What their move has done is opened a world of kind-hearted locals, the tribulations of learning to communicate in a second language and the unique joys of living in a mountainous coffee-farming town.

The Family Freedom Project

Working online from their home in Tamarindo, Costa Rica, Liisa and her husband are living the dream and raising their family free from the restrictions of a concrete jungle. Answering many of the expat questions asked by people thinking about moving to this sunset loving community, The Family Freedom Project is an essential guide to the joys of daily living in Costa Rica.

We’re always on the lookout for more sites to feature – if you run a blog about living in Costa Rica, leave us a link in the comments and we’ll take a look!

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