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Finland – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Finland and some of the blogs that might be useful for expats there.Hey Helsinki

After a dream job came up in Helsinki, New Zealander Mel and her family took a leap and moved to Finland. Her blog was initially to keep in touch with family and friends and keep track of how their expat life developed but you will now find so much more here. From the everyday questions of how does one dress for -26 degrees Celsius? And sauna etiquette to her choice of 101 reasons to visit Helsinki, she has most bases covered. A great photographer with an eye for design, this blog is a delight for any reader.


Written for expats, by expats, here you’ll find all the inside information about what’s going on in the Finnish capital. Short, snappy and regular posts cover day to day goings on in Helsinki as well as essentials for expats, like making connections and finding employment. Always ready to show the love, links to other bloggers are plentiful and useful for any prospective expat of Finland.


Bavarian born ‘Arctica’ found love with a Finn in Scotland and soon after she found herself packed and on a plane to his native homeland. A talented photographer, her blog is heavy with beautiful shots, particularly her series of strolls. Observations on Finnish life, culture and language are plentiful and range from the basics to the little known, at least outside of Finland.

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Life in Finland (and beyond)

A Canadian in Finland since 1998, this long-term expat has been blogging since 2005. Her observations on life and cultural differences, even after so many years abroad, are plentiful and well written. Honest posts of everyday life, travel and ‘Things I didn’t know last week’ are a gift to any future expat. Sports also play a big part in this blog, from the more well known, like Hockey, to some more obscure like Finland’s own KIN-BALL.

Already There

From New England to Finland for love. Elena documents her life, good, bad and indifferent on her blog. She lays bare her language struggles, revels in her sense of belonging in a class filled with other foreigners and is happy to pass on her knowledge of the way Finland works, bureaucracy and beyond. Five years into her expat life, she still finds it weird that of all places she ended up in Finland, but she wouldn’t change it for the world.

Velvet Kerfuffle

Currently residing in the port city of Rauma this Californian costume designer has blogged about her life since she landed in Finland. Plentiful with recipes, her garden provides many fruit and vegetables for her kitchen and her natural lawn mowers make excellent photographic subjects. She muses regularly about expat issues and life as an American in Finland, usually through the medium of food, which is no bad thing.

We’re always on the lookout for more sites to feature – if you run a blog about living in Finland, leave us a link in the comments and we’ll take a look!