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Israel – Recommended Social Media Accounts

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Israel and some of the social media accounts you should be following if you’re thinking of moving there.Living And Working In Israel
Facebook Page

Living and Working in Israel is an supportive, open community site providing news and articles about opportunities, jobs and immigration tips. Not only that, but they offer advice about moving to Israel for foreign workers, students, live-in caregivers or business people. All articles are especially curated for new and experienced expatriates settling into this beautiful country.

Jobs for USA, Canada & UK Natives Living / Working In Israel
Facebook Group

An incredibly practical group for USA, Canada & UK natives who are already in Israel or thinking of making the move there, this Facebook group is an essential networking tool for marking new connections. They share mostly hi-tech and office jobs alongside insider tips and tricks for making a good impression in the job market.

Association of French Teachers of Israel
Facebook Page

Sharing news and information specifically relevant to French teachers in Israel, this Facebook page is a fount of interesting articles. With a penchant for literature, education resources and offering niche job opportunities that may not be found in other corners of the internet, the Association of French Teachers of Israel is a close knit and friendly community.

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Citizens Of The World | Expats In Tel Aviv
Facebook Group

Citizens Of The World is all about bringing together the global and local community of expats, especially focused on and around Tel Aviv. The members are people who want to meet and socialise with locals and other expats, often to ask questions and advice about life in the city of Tel Aviv, often known as “The City that Never Sleeps”, the “party capital” of Israel.

Open To Israel
Facebook Page

Penned by Californian born Jennifer, this Facebook page is the beating heart of a writing obsessed Mom, and her highs and the lows of life in the Middle East. Living with her family in Ra’anana, a city in the heart of the southern Sharon Plain of the Central District of Israel, her articles and the welcoming ‘Israel Writer Salon’ that came about as a result of blogging at ‘Open To Israel’ are an honest insight to expat life.

Australia in Israel
Facebook Page

The official consulate Facebook page for Australians based in Israel is a goldmine of information for “Ozraeli’s”. Not only do they share essential information on their website about visas, business links and relevant news articles, they also debate important topics such as “Will those who pass the Vegemite test be granted honorary Aussie citizenships?” which any antipodean worth their salt will recognise as an important inter-country relation starting point.

Brits Living in Israel
Facebook Page | Facebook Group

The posts on this Facebook page and group are timeless windows onto life in Israel for British expats. Londoners, Mancunian, Scottish and Welsh expats congregate to celebrate their roots and commiserate about the issues that they face living so far away from their rain-soaked, original island home.

Lizrael Update
Twitter | Instagram

“Babbling” (her words) about the joys and pitfalls of expat life since 2004, Liz writes about life as an expat in Israel, coping as a parent to a growing family, and the challenges of being a writer. Her blog and social media accounts are lively, and written with an infectiously cheerful countenance and a real look at everyday life.

Israel Seen
Facebook Page

More than just the average broadsheet, the authors of Israel Seen see their website as a labor of love that is a portal to the other side of Israel. Providing content from a wonderful array of innovative, interesting and dynamic locals plus featuring intriguing expat interviews, not to mention their section on ‘travelling to Israel’, this Facebook page is a very handy source of insider information.

Facebook Page

Focused on French-speaking expatriates living in Tel Aviv, L’Expat is a soupçon of French culture from afar – the members of this Facebook page enjoy sharing good cultural recommendations and plans; discussing their thoughts on books books and films; plus the occasional review. The page is curated in French, giving speakers full rein to express themselves in their mother tongue.

We’re always on the lookout for more accounts to feature – if you write about living in Israel on social media, leave us a link in the comments and we’ll take a look!