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Malaysia – Citizenship

Malaysia has a relatively strict citizenship policy, and it can be challenging to obtain citizenship. However, several categories of individuals are eligible to apply for Malaysian citizenship:

  • Persons born in Malaysia to parents who are Malaysian citizens
  • Persons born in Malaysia to parents who are not Malaysian citizens, but at least one of them has been legally resident in Malaysia for at least 10 years before the birth of the child
  • Persons who have been legally resident in Malaysia for at least 10 years and have not been absent from the country for more than 12 months at a time
  • Persons who are married to a Malaysian citizen and have been legally resident in Malaysia for at least 5 years

Process of Applying for Citizenship in Malaysia

The application process for Malaysian citizenship can be a lengthy and complex one. Applicants must submit their applications at the National Registration Department (JPN) and provide supporting documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and identification documents. Applicants may also be required to pass a language proficiency test and show evidence of their ability to support themselves financially.

Advantages of Being Granted Citizenship in Malaysia

Being granted Malaysian citizenship can bring several advantages, such as:

  • The right to work and live in Malaysia without any restrictions
  • The ability to vote in Malaysian elections
  • Access to free healthcare and education in Malaysia
  • Eligibility for certain social benefits such as retirement benefits
  • The ability to obtain a Malaysian passport and travel visa-free to many countries

Rules Surrounding Dual Citizenship in Malaysia

Malaysia generally does not allow dual citizenship, and those who become Malaysian citizens are required to renounce their previous citizenship. However, the government of Malaysia has made some exceptions to this rule for specific categories of people, such as those who are married to Malaysian citizens or who have a special connection to Malaysia.

Reliable Information on Citizenship in Malaysia

The National Registration Department (JPN) is the primary authority on citizenship matters in Malaysia, and it is recommended to contact them directly for reliable and up-to-date information on citizenship requirements and processes. Additionally, the Malaysian Immigration Department and the Ministry of Home Affairs may also have useful information on citizenship matters.