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Qatar – Health Issues

Qatar, a small country located in the Middle East, is known for its rapidly developing economy and infrastructure. Despite its wealth, Qatar still faces some health challenges that affect its population. In this article, we will explore some of the common health issues in Qatar, as well as the country’s attitude towards smoking and its related legislation.

Common Health Issues


Obesity is a significant health concern in Qatar, with a high prevalence rate of around 41.6% among adults. The problem is especially pronounced among women, where the rate is as high as 62.4%. Factors contributing to the high prevalence of obesity in Qatar include changes in lifestyle and diet, urbanization, and the high-income level that allows for easier access to unhealthy foods. The government has taken some measures to address this issue, such as launching awareness campaigns about healthy eating and physical activity, promoting the availability of healthy food options, and implementing stricter regulations on fast-food restaurants.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Qatar, accounting for around 30% of all deaths. Factors contributing to the high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in Qatar include a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diets, smoking, and stress. The government has launched several initiatives to reduce the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, such as increasing the availability of healthy food options, promoting physical activity, and launching awareness campaigns about the dangers of smoking.


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Diabetes is also a significant health issue in Qatar, with a high prevalence rate of around 17.3% among adults. The disease is more prevalent among women than men, and its incidence increases with age. Contributing factors include a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diets, and obesity. The government has launched several initiatives to combat diabetes, such as increasing access to healthy food options, promoting physical activity, and providing diabetes screening services.

Smoking in Qatar

Smoking is a significant public health concern in Qatar, with a prevalence rate of around 12.3% among adults. The government has taken measures to combat smoking, such as launching awareness campaigns about the dangers of smoking, increasing the price of tobacco products, and implementing stricter regulations on smoking in public places.

Attitudes towards Smoking

In Qatar, smoking is generally seen as socially unacceptable, and attitudes towards smoking are changing. Smoking is prohibited in most public places, including restaurants, cafes, and shopping malls. There is a general public perception that smoking is harmful, and many smokers are trying to quit the habit.

Smoking Legislation

In Qatar, smoking is regulated by the National Tobacco Control Law, which was introduced in 2010. The law prohibits smoking in all public places, including indoor workplaces, shopping malls, and restaurants. The law also prohibits the sale of tobacco products to minors under the age of 18 and requires that tobacco products display graphic health warnings. Violations of the law can result in fines and imprisonment.

The government has also launched several initiatives to combat smoking, such as providing smoking cessation services and launching awareness campaigns about the dangers of smoking.

Qatar faces some common health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes. However, the government has taken measures to address these issues, such as promoting healthy food options and physical activity and launching awareness campaigns. Smoking is also a significant public health concern in Qatar, but attitudes towards smoking are changing, and the government has implemented strict regulations to combat smoking. Despite these challenges, Qatar has made significant progress in improving the health and well-being of its population.