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Russia – Citizenship

In general, any foreigner who meets the requirements set out by the Russian government can apply for citizenship in Russia. This includes individuals who have lived in Russia for a certain period of time, individuals with Russian ancestry, and individuals who have made significant contributions to Russian society.

Process of Applying for Citizenship in Russia

The process for applying for citizenship in Russia can be lengthy and complicated. The first step is to obtain a temporary residence permit, which allows foreign nationals to live and work in Russia for up to three years. After holding a temporary residence permit for at least one year, an individual can then apply for a permanent residence permit.

To obtain Russian citizenship, an individual must have held a permanent residence permit for at least five years. The application process involves submitting a range of documents, including a valid passport, proof of residency, proof of language proficiency, and a criminal record check.

After submitting the application, the individual will be required to pass a Russian language test and a test on Russian history and culture. They will also be interviewed by a representative of the Russian government to determine their suitability for citizenship. If successful, the individual will be granted Russian citizenship.

Advantages of Being Granted citizenship in Russia

There are several advantages to being granted Russian citizenship. Russian citizens have the right to work, study, and live in Russia without restrictions. They also have access to a range of social services and benefits, including healthcare, education, and social security.

In addition, Russian citizens are eligible to vote in elections and participate in the democratic process. They are also entitled to consular protection and assistance from the Russian government when traveling abroad.

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Dual Citizenship in Russia

Under Russian law, dual citizenship is generally not permitted. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Individuals who are married to a Russian citizen or who have significant business or personal ties to Russia may be eligible for dual citizenship. In addition, some countries have agreements with Russia that allow their citizens to hold dual citizenship.

If an individual wishes to become a Russian citizen, they must renounce their existing citizenship. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. Individuals who are married to a Russian citizen or who have significant business or personal ties to Russia may be able to retain their existing citizenship.

Reliable Information on Citizenship in Russia

For reliable, up-to-date information on citizenship in Russia, individuals can visit the official website of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. The website provides information on the application process, eligibility requirements, and other relevant information.

Another useful resource is the website of the Russian Embassy in the individual’s home country. The embassy can provide information on the application process and requirements specific to the individual’s country of origin.


Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation: http://en.fms.gov.ru/

Russian Embassy in the United States: https://washington.mid.ru/en/home

Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom: https://rusemb.org.uk/