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Expats And The Election: A Selection Of Viewpoints

With over 8 millions expats living outside of America, the absentee votes cast in the 2016 Presidential election could make a large difference to the outcome. With essential topics of immigration, healthcare and the effects this changing landscape could have on businesses, the thoughts and opinions of many individuals who have chosen to make their homes on distant shores are an interesting snapshot onto the possible election outcome.The Expat Elector

A Political Science and History student who moved to Montreal to get away from the confusing American system of politics, Phoebe is a young expatriate Democrat who is using The Expat Elector will as a year-long blog to explore the current U.S. elections. The blog explores issues as far afield as the effect Brussels politics will have on elections and takes an interesting look at the two contrasting candidates.

Cody McClain Brown

Writing for his own personal blog and Voice Of Croatia, Cody has an impressive list of credentials (s a PhD in political science from the University of Kansas with expertise in international security, political economy, American politics, and the politics of Southeastern Europe) and writes balanced, considered dissertation type posts contrasting the best and worst of Croatian and American political practices, with a special look at the current elections.

Expat With Kids

Having blogged at Expat With Kids for over six years (and conquering a smattering of countries) usually this Mom doesn’t talk politics, but encourages us to remember that “We are lucky enough to live in a free country therefore we must vote to defend that right”. She has registered for her absentee vote for the upcoming elections after witnessing the actions of several countries and their political culture.

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Matador Network

Matador Network provides a bevy of educated musings on international politics, but one article in particular provided a good insight to the way American expats in oil-rich, emerging Dubai are felling about the current political climate. Living amongst Trump supporters and flabbergasted Hillary devotees is proving for some fiery discussions in the Middle Eastern desert.

Wine and Cheese (Doodles)

Serving up salty observations that often go straight to the heart of the matter at hand, Dina often expresses many of those thoughts that are difficult to properly enunciate. With strong views about both sides of the political bandwagon, her posts provide a lot of food for thought as an expat on the outside looking back at her home.

Just as essential are the views of expats living in the United States, surrounded by the mass of voting propaganda and thoughts of friends and family native to the country. Providing a surprising picture of the local behaviours and their own takes on what may happen, this selection of bloggers is worth looking into.

Lost Laowai

Whilst it is too late to register as an overseas voter, Lost Laowai has published an informative guide to the process, links to essential reading and dispelling a few common misconceptions of Americans living abroad (and in China specifically). A community for expats who have settled in Asia, this blog is full of excellent tips and considered thoughts.

Between England and Iowa

Kylie is a British girl with an American husband, blogging about the USA visa process, expat life and active travel in the American Midwest and beyond. Sharing her everyday experiences and thoughts (alongside a well written post on her voting thoughts) she provides a fascinating window onto the real life goings-on near to her own home.

Lost In The Pond

Featuring a brilliantly wry vlog about the last election he experienced on American soil, this British expat pulls parallels and highlights contracts between his home country and across the pond in the enormous US. With videos, podcasts and written posts about a variety of topics and a few translation videos (British English to American English), Lost In The Pond is a lighthearted look at issues expats face – especially in times of heightened excitement.

Expat Mum

In amongst musings about everyday life, Toni is sharing a uniquely female perspective on how the current American election is affecting many aspects of her family and world. Written in a humourously conversational tone, Expat Mum is a fascinating read on a serious topic.

All opinions belong to the bloggers themselves and do not represent any official opinion on the part of Expat Focus.