Home ยป Renovating In France, Banking In Panama, And Making Friends Abroad

Renovating In France, Banking In Panama, And Making Friends Abroad

Over the past few weeks we’ve been running a series of articles about making friends abroad. It’s been very popular, and last week it continued with a focus on how to make friends abroad when you’re in your 60s. Do you have any tips for people who want to make friends in their new countries? Share them in the comments below!

For many people, retirement is a time to pursue a dream they’ve had for a long time, like buying a little cottage in the French countryside, doing it up and living there. However, it’s important to do your research thoroughly before you buy any house; especially one you’re planning to renovate. Here’s a guide to renovating a rural French property.Plenty of people move abroad long before retirement, and for them it’s important to either find work that’s location-independent, or find a job in the country they’re moving to. South Korea is an increasingly popular expat destination, so here’s a guide to finding a job in Seoul. Or if you’re more attracted to a desert location, here’s why you might want to consider teaching English in Jordan.

Along with earning your money, you’ll need to have somewhere to keep it, so take a look at our article about banking in Panama.

And finally, if you’re moving to Qatar and want to make sure no members of the family get left behind, here’s how to bring your pets into the country.

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