Anastasia Coe, Arradippou (Larnaca)

Who are you? My name is Anastasia and I am thirty years old. I have two children aged six and twelve and am currently expecting my third child. I have been with my partner for five years. I am currently working as a freelance writer. Writing has always been my passion and a few years … Read more

North or South? Choosing Where to Live in Cyprus

Those who have a certain impression of Cyprus, without having gone there or encountered any Cypriot natives in their home country, might be forgiven for having a partial or incomplete mental image. Most of the news coverage, after all, seems to come from the southern portion of the island, providing a uniform view of the … Read more

The Latest on the Financial Situation in Cyprus

When we last checked in on the financial situation in Cyprus some weeks ago, the situation was one that could charitably be called “interesting” (and, to be sure, many would use harsher terms.) From the Cypriot-on-the-street to president Nicos Anastasiades, seemingly everyone in the country was operating at a high level of tension and indignation. … Read more

Why Weather Forecasting Stops in Cyprus During the Summer

As determined by the Köppen climate classification system, Cyprus is a subtropical, semi-arid climate, a designation it shares with much of Australia, South Africa, Spain and the main island of Japan (Honshuu.) For those unfamiliar with the term, this denotes weather features such as a wet season during the winter, during which period temperatures rarely … Read more

Implications of the Latest Financial Situation in Cyprus

The island of Cyprus has long been a scenic haven for expatriates and visitors from the U.K. and elsewhere in northern Europe. As recently as 2011, its tourism industry attested to this by being ranked 24th in the world in “overall competitiveness” by the World Economic Forum, with its popular beaches alone being a significant … Read more

Roseanne Sherman

I am a 51-year old single woman from the United States . I have travelled extensively and have a bit of an adventurous nature. In 2004 I moved to Moscow, Russia for my job. I lived in Russia for 2.5 years, then I was transferred to Slovakia where I lived for 1 year, and then … Read more