Stephen Sovie, Tanjung Tokong area of Penang

Who are you? My name is Stephen Sovie Where, when and why did you move abroad? I have always been drawn to Asia and after visiting a number of countries in Asia I decided upon Malaysia, primarily because I had a close friend here and because of the MM2H visa program. What challenges did you … Read more

Brenda, Seremban

Who are you? I am a Toronto-born, Canadian Caucasian of British descent, an English teacher, minister of the Gospel, mother of six and grandmother of eleven. My first son was born in the back seat of a car on the Mexico City autobahn. As each child came along, we just added them to our travel … Read more

Shazed, Serdang

Who are you? My name is Shazed; I am a Chemical Engineer and a husband as well. I am living in Malaysia for last 3 years and completed my postgraduate here from a top research university. This was my first expat experience and I enjoyed exploring the new country and the excellent quality of life … Read more

Jigna, Kuala Lumpur

Who are you? My name is Jigna and I head the English Department in a reputed college in Kuala Lumpur. Before this, I have taught in an International School and have headed a group of pre-schools. I have been in the education field for about 14 years now. I am married and have two school-going … Read more

Ken, Kuala Lumpur

Who are you? Hi, my name is Ken and I have been a consultant project manager for about 15 years. Where, when and why did you move abroad? In March 2011 I had just finished a really enjoyable 2 years in Sri Lanka and was eagerly looking for another Asian opportunity. So, I was really … Read more