Stephanie Angulo, Churuquita Grande

I am MeanderingMiss of the Xpat Escape blog and Twitter. Some of my favorite things are photography, travel, writing, and cooking. Recently opening a Mexican Restaurant in La Chorrera, Panama generally occupies the rest of my free time! We moved to Churuquita Grande, Panama from Austin, Texas in January 2011 because we wanted to live … Read more

Clyde and Terry Coles, Capira

We are Clyde and Terry Coles from Corpus Christi, Texas. Being a fire-fighter for 26 years was the best job in the world according to Clyde but it is not a job for an old man. At the age of 57 he decided it was time to leave the department but was still young enough … Read more

Jane Ellis, Panama City

I am Panamajama, also known as Jane, mother of three young children. I fill my time by looking after my children, taking photos, doing my blog and studying to become a translator (French to English – NOT Spanish to English!) We all moved across to Panama from Scotland last year as my husband is working … Read more