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Tax Relief For Foreign Nationals In The UK

Oliver Heslop from Global Expatriate Tax Services (GETS), the official Expat Focus UK Taxation partner, discusses tax relief for foreign nationals in the UK.

Okay, so you’ve just arrived in the UK. You’re a tax resident, most likely; you’re taxable. So we’re looking for tax relief for you and tax benefits for an expat whilst based here. I’m just going to list a few of the things that we could take advantage of in your situation.

We’ve got relocation expenses, tax relief on that. We’ve got subsistence, that’s your food and drink. We’ve got your housing. We’ve got the split year relief, which we won’t go into now, but that’s another very nice relief. Overseas workday relief. Plenty of different tax reliefs.

One last thing I would like to mention is the non domicile relief that’s going to apply to you if you’ve been born abroad, overseas, that allows you to exclude foreign income and gains. It’s one heck of a relief, and it’s certainly worth looking into and sitting down with you on that.