Possible Legislative Remedies for US Taxation of Expats – 2024 US Expat Finance Conference

The 2024 US Expat Finance Conference kicked off with a comprehensive presentation by Mary Louise Serrato, Executive Director of American Citizens Abroad (ACA), on the group’s ongoing efforts to address the complex tax issues faced by Americans living overseas. Serrato began by introducing ACA, a non-partisan advocacy organization founded in 1978 to represent the interests … Read more

Tax Relief For Foreign Nationals In The UK

Oliver Heslop from Global Expatriate Tax Services (GETS), the official Expat Focus UK Taxation partner, discusses tax relief for foreign nationals in the UK. Okay, so you’ve just arrived in the UK. You’re a tax resident, most likely; you’re taxable. So we’re looking for tax relief for you and tax benefits for an expat whilst based here. … Read more

Am I Still UK Tax Resident?

by Megan Tarr, Writer at Global Expatriate Tax Services (GETS). GETS is the official Expat Focus UK Taxation partner and is available to answer readers’ UK tax questions.  Have you recently moved abroad from the UK, perhaps to the United States? Or the Middle East? You may now be wondering: ‘am I still a UK tax … Read more

Morroco – Taxation

Morocco has a taxation system that includes both direct and indirect taxes. The system is administered by the Direction Générale des Impôts (DGI). Double Taxation Agreements Morocco has signed double taxation agreements with several countries, including the United States, France, and Spain. These agreements aim to avoid double taxation on income earned in both Morocco … Read more

Venezuela – Taxation

Venezuela is a country located in South America that has been going through a period of economic instability. The taxation system in Venezuela plays an important role in the government’s efforts to generate revenue to fund public services and social programs. This article will provide an overview of how taxation works in Venezuela, including double … Read more

Vietnam – Taxation

Vietnam is a rapidly growing economy in Southeast Asia and is an attractive destination for expatriates seeking job opportunities or to start a business. However, like in any country, it is important to understand the taxation system to ensure compliance with the law and avoid any potential legal issues. This article will provide an overview … Read more

United Kingdom – Taxation

The United Kingdom has a taxation system that generates revenue to fund public services and social programs. This article will provide an overview of how taxation works in the United Kingdom, including double taxation agreements, the main taxes expats need to be aware of, tax breaks, how and when to file a tax return as … Read more