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A Guide To Renting Property In Buenos Aires

The cosmopolitan Buenos Aires is Argentina’s capital and largest city. With a population close to three million, this multicultural location boasts plenty of opportunities for those looking to relocate to a central and thriving spot in Latin America. Buenos Aires is considered a haven for expats, pairing as it does the undeniable buzz that comes from living in a modern city with everything at your fingertips with a low cost of living which is drawing young American and European people in by the thousands.Whether you’re just stopping by for an extended holiday, or you’re looking to relocate on a more permanent basis, the question arises: “How do I rent in Buenos Aires?” We’ve created this latest guide to walk you through your renting options in the capital and how to get the best out of your living arrangements when your feet touch down on Argentinian soil.

Types Of Contract

Temporary rentals are mostly already furnished and can be rented on a month-by-month basis, or even for a few weeks depending on the landlord. This is the simplest way to rent and the easiest for a traveler who is only looking to stay for a few months, with no long-term goal to relocate or settle. You will not need a garantia (guarantor) but will likely be asked for a deposit, which can vary.

Long-term rentals, unlike the above, are not typically furnished. You will likely be required to sign a lease for up to two years, and will need either a local garantia or a deposit. The deposit amount varies, but it will be at least equal to one month’s rent.

Types Of Property

The most common rental type in Buenos Aires, particularly for young people, is an apartment. However, it is also possible to rent houses, or in some cases, one entire floor of a house, which is referred to as a Horizontal Property or HP.

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Neighbourhoods In Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires has 48 official barrios or neighbourhoods. As with any city, some of these are more desirable than others. The most affluent and popular neighbourhoods (and by default the most expensive) include Recoleta, Puerto Madero, Microcentro (the business central), Montserrat and Barrio Norte. If you want to be more out in the suburbs, you’ll be better of looking at places such as Martinez or San Isidro. A mid-range budget could find you living in one of the trendy barrios of Palermo, Villa Crespo, Caballito or San Telmo. If you really need to stretch your pennies, then cheaper rentals can be found in the likes of Chacarita, Barracas or Almagro.

How To Rent In Buenos Aires

How you go about finding somewhere to rent in Buenos Aires will largely depend on your level of Spanish. If it’s non-existent, then take a look at some of these websites where you can view rental apartments or rooms within apartments:

Rent Apartment Buenos Aires
For Rent Argentina
Rent in Buenos Aires

Alternatively, you could look for an estate agent, perhaps one who speaks English. However, bear in mind that you will probably have to pay an agent commission and a one-off administration fee.

Some estate agencies to look at include:

Rincones de Buenos Aires
Av. de Mayo 981
1084 Buenos Aires
011 2153-0253

Hector D’Odorico Propiedades
Montevideo 1200
1019 Buenos Aires
011 4811-0011

Sanchis Propiedades
Chaco 152
1424 Buenos Aires
011 4901-7200

Monica Godoy
Av. Independencia 1909,
1225 Buenos Aires
011 4941-0418

Imar y Asociados
Anasagasti 2080
1425 Buenos Aires
011 4824-4440

If you do speak any Spanish, from muddling your way through to fluency, try browsing these local websites for places to rent:

Room Go
Mercado Libre
Solo Dueños
Argen Prop

Don’t forget local newspapers. If you can’t get your hands on La Nacion or Clarin, you can always visit their websites.

In most cases when renting, you will be required to sign a rental contract or agreement with your landlord. This may not be required if you are just renting a room. If you do need to sign a contract, it will be in Spanish, so if you don’t speak the language, don’t sign anything until you have found somebody that can explain it to you.

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