Candice, Buenos Aires

Who are you? My name is Candice and I am from New York. Originally from North Carolina. Where, when and why did you move abroad? My husband retired early from his work in NY… we moved to Portland Oregon and one day, he said to me, How would you like to go to Buenos Aires?I … Read more

Damon Wilson, Córdoba

Who are you? My name is Damon. I’m 33 and was born in the United States in the San Francisco bay area in a city called Santa Rosa. For the last 10 years I have lived in San Francisco which continues to be my favorite city in the world. I’m an industrial engineer by trade … Read more

Mark Daniels, Buenos Aires

Who are you? I am an Englishman who has been living in Buenos Aires for the best part of five years. Over the past decade or so my travels have taken me from Australia to Argentina, Botswana to Brazil, and Namibia to Nepal, among other places. During this time I have worked in sports shops … Read more

Connor Davies, Buenos Aires

My name is Connor Davies and I’m originally from the UK. Back in 2005 I decided to go traveling in South America, mainly just to see the world and experience new things. Despite great plans to see the entire continent, I ended up in Argentina after just a few months and have been living in … Read more

Katie Metz, Necochea

My name is Katie Metz, and I’m a yanqui (Argentine slang for an American) from Philadelphia living in Argentina. Love brought me to the seaside city of Necochea, Argentina, where I work from home as a freelance Spanish-English translator. I write about my musings and reflections on Argentine culture, food and current events on my … Read more

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