Home ยป Winter Photos, Expat Experiences, And Being Called A ‘Trailing Spouse’

Winter Photos, Expat Experiences, And Being Called A ‘Trailing Spouse’

Have you moved abroad for your partner’s job and ended up being called a “trailing spouse”? How does it make you feel? Expat Focus columnist Flavia Holman shares her thoughts.

Other submissions this week include Clara Wiggins’ column about living a multicultural life, an experience from British expat Adele de Caso, and an interview with the headteacher of Geneva English School.Would you like to write for us as a columnist, or share your experience of expat life? Email scar@expatfocus.com for details.

We ran a photo challenge across our social networks last month, and now the article is up! Featuring your pictures of winter around the world, we travel from Indonesia to the Nordics without leaving the sofa.

If you’re feeling peckish already in the run-up to the holiday season, take a look at our round-up of ten iconic desserts from around the world. How many have you tried?

This was our most popular tweet this week:


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And our most-liked Instagram photo:


That’s all for now; if you’d like to submit an experience or a column, just email scar@expatfocus.com. And in the meantime, have a great weekend!