How To Open A Bank Account In Bermuda

If you’re looking to relocate, then you will have a variety of options to consider with regard to banking. You can maintain your existing account, open up a local account, or create a savings account off-shore. The banking choice that’s

How To Apply For A Visa In Bermuda

All foreigners entering Bermuda must have at least 45 days’ validity left on their passport from the date of their intended entry. Any foreigners wishing to stay in Bermuda for a period of longer than three weeks, but not for

How To Find A Job In Bermuda

The wealthy island of Bermuda is an appealing prospect for expats seeking work. It is a beautiful island with opportunities for a high-end lifestyle, plus high wages and tax breaks. 20% of Bermuda’s population are expats and the island has

How To Buy A Property As An Expat In Bermuda

There are many good reasons to buy a property in Bermuda but there are some unusual aspects to consider. In this article we will take a look at the options that are available to expats, and how to get started.

How To Bring Your Pets To Bermuda

Many expats from the US, Britain and elsewhere choose to retire to the beautiful destination of Bermuda, while others may move to the island for work. If you’re planning to be a resident here for some time, you may want

A Guide To Bermuda’s Best Scuba Clubs

An alluring air of mystery, pink-sand beaches and whistling tree frogs are features that are unique to the 21-square mile island of Bermuda. This destination is often voted the best in the world by tourists and travel experts because of

Bermuda – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Bermuda and some of the blogs that might be

Health Risks For Expats In Bermuda

Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory in the North Atlantic Ocean, currently the territory with the highest overall population and also boasting a significant expat population. Although it isn’t really in the Caribbean but further north, off the east coast

Katie Law, Bermuda

Who are you? I am Katie, and no, I shan’t say my age, but old enough to have grown up children. In my past lives, in no particular order, I have practised being a mother, doctor, teacher, student, volunteer, scientist,