How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Lithuania

If you are planning to live and work in Lithuania, or simply to visit the country, then you will find many opportunities to stay fit and well there. For example, you could partake in watersports or join your local gym.

How Does Cancer Care In Lithuania Compare With The UK?

If you are living in Lithuania and are unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with cancer, you may be wondering how oncological treatment in your host country compares with that in the UK. Both nations have a national healthcare system, national

How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Lithuania?

How much you will pay for health procedures in Lithuania will depend on whether you access the public or the private healthcare sector. The public sector, if you are entitled to use it, is free at the point of delivery,

What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Lithuania?

Lithuania has a two-tier healthcare system, comprising a public and a private sector. Its health insurance system is also two-tier, with public coverage and private providers.  The public system is organised by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF), also known

How To Register With The Health System In Lithuania

Lithuania has a two-tier health insurance system, consisting of both public coverage and private providers. The public system is organised by the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (CHIF), also known as valstybinė ligonių kasa, which was set up in 1993. There