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An Expat Guide To Banking In Austria

The origin of modern day Austria, which has a population of 8.7 million people, can be traced back to the times of the Holy Roman Empire. It shares boundaries with Germany and Czech Republic on the northern side while to the south,…

Nine Places You Should Visit While Living In Austria

Bright blue skies, high green fields, glassy lakes, fresh mountain air, and rolling countryside will all immediately remind you of the picture perfect Austria. However, there is a lot more than meets the eye to this forward-looking, landlocked European nation than its…

Austria – Recommended Social Media Accounts

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Austria and some of the social media accounts you should be…

Moving To Austria? Here’s How To Plan For The Winter

The EU state of Austria is a founding member of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development). Austria offers its residents a high standard of living and good job opportunities. The country’s appeal is further enhanced by virtue of its warm…

An Expat Guide To The History And Culture Of Austria

Austrian culture is often mistaken for that of its neighbour Germany’s, a faux pas that expats living in the region should be careful not to make. With German being the official language of Austria, some of the country’s literature, art and even…

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