How Much Do Health Procedures Cost In Monaco?

Healthcare in Monaco is of a high standard and the country features well in rankings by organisations such as the OECD and the WHO. Life expectancy is also high, well above global and even European averages, and the population of Monaco is deemed to be among the healthiest in Europe.The cost of healthcare in Monaco … Read more

How To Keep Fit And Healthy In Monaco

If you are an expat who is resident and working in Monaco, you will find no shortage of opportunities to keep fit and healthy, ranging from exercise and sports, to an excellent range of different cuisines, plus some world-class spas and clinics.If you are working in the principality, you are likely to be covered by … Read more

How To Keep Your Insurance Costs Low In Monaco

Monaco has a two-tier system consisting of a national health insurance scheme, the Caisses Sociales de Monaco or CSM, and private health insurance either in the form of comprehensive private cover with an international provider, or as top-up cover via a mutuelle.If you are registered with the CSM, either as an employee, a self employed … Read more

What Cover Is Available For Sports Injuries In Monaco?

If you are an expat working and living in the principality of Monaco, you may want to take advantage of the many sporting opportunities available here, from football to watersports.If you sustain an injury, however, you will need to know how to access treatment, and we will look at some of the options available to … Read more

How To Look After Your Mental Health In Monaco

Healthcare in the wealthy Mediterranean microstate of Monaco is considered by organizations such as the WHO and the OECD to be of a very high standard: the country provides some of the best healthcare in Europe. We will look below at some of your options for maintaining your mental health in Monaco, both in the … Read more

What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Monaco?

The principality of Monaco is a tiny, but very wealthy, country and its standard of healthcare reflects the affluence of this little Mediterranean nation. Both public and private sector Monégasque healthcare are considered to be of an extremely high standard, ranking well in global healthcare listings.If you are registered with the national system (the Caisses … Read more