How To Find A Job In Andorra
The little state of Andorra is a tempting choice for anyone looking for a job in the Pyrenees. We will look at some of your choices for both seasonal and non-seasonal work: the main tourist activities in the country are skiing, hospitality…
How To Navigate The Andorran Education System
Andorra requires all children in the principality to attend school. In return, the state provides education that is free, well-resourced and focused on developing a well-rounded individual. Sports And Physical Education The education system in Andorra recognises the value of physical education.Right…
Why Andorra Should Be Your Next Expat Home
The independent principality of Andorra is a tiny gem of country, hidden away in the Southwestern part of Europe. It is situated high up in the eastern Pyrenees mountains, bordered by France on one side and Spain on the other. The world’s…
Will Andorra, Europe’s Most Accessible Tax Haven Star, Implode?
by Roger Munns, International Property Tribune From the late 1970’s Andorra was a European tax haven star, with many taking residency, but with income tax set to be introduced, will it kill the goose that lays the golden egg? Cheaper than Monaco…
Tax Haven Andorra Raise Residency Entry Price
by Roger Munns For years Andorra has been one of Europe’s top tax havens, with the same tax benefits as Monaco but with property at less than a quarter of the price. Recently the country passed legislation which in effect has increased…