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Malaysia – Recommended Social Media Accounts

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Malaysia and some of the social media accounts you should be…

A Brief Guide To The Main Religious Beliefs In Malaysia

Malaysia is a multicultural country in Southeast Asia inhabited by a population of over 31 million people. Expats find it to be a welcoming place to settle with a healthy work/life balance and a friendly culture. According to the 2016 HSBC Expat…

A Guide To The Religious Festivals Of Malaysia

Best described as a bustling and diverse melting pot of different races, Malaysia is one of the most multicultural nations that you will ever see. Its local population comprises Malay (50%), Chinese (22.6%), Indigenous (11.8%), Indian (6.7%) and other people. More than…

Malaysia – Recommended Blogs

At Expat Focus, we like to be on the lookout for resources around the web that could help prospective expats adjust to their new countries. Today, we’re taking a look at Malaysia and some of the blogs that might be useful for…

Why Moving To Malaysia Will Bring You Better Career Satisfaction

Getting an offer to work in another country is bound to be a very exciting prospect. It could give you the chance to boost your profile, realize your ambitions, and build a new life for yourself as well as your loved ones.…


Ken, Kuala Lumpur

Who are you?Hi, my name is Ken and I have been a consultant project manager for about 15 years.Where, when…

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