What Cover Is Available For Sports Injuries In Finland?
Sport is practically considered a national pastime in Finland, with many Finns participating in and visiting different sporting events regularly. There’s even a national initiative in Finland to get people to do more and sit less. A sports scientist from the University…
How To Register With The Health System In Finland
Like many of the Nordic countries Finland maintains a strong healthcare system, funded through their National Health Insurance. Public healthcare is the responsibility of municipalities and is primarily funded by taxation and patient fees.Finnish social security is divided into residence-based social security…
What Quality Of Healthcare Can You Expect In Finland?
The quality of healthcare in Finland is generally of a high standard. It consistently ranks highly among European and Nordic countries, as well as in international ratings. Public healthcare services have greatly improved over the past few years. The country’s healthcare system…
What Banking Options Are Available For Expats In Finland?
Since 2002, Finland’s currency has been the euro. One and two-cent coins are rare in Finland, meaning it is common to find the amount rounded off to the nearest five cents. Goods and services are easily paid for using credit and debit…
How To Find A School For Your Children In Helsinki
Helsinki is the capital city and most populous municipality in Finland, with a population of 644,788. Finnish and Swedish are the official languages, but English is also widely-spoken in the city.The land area of Helsinki is 213.75 km2. Helsinki is located on…
Kandace Hawley, Oulu
Who are you? I am Kandace Hawley from Kentucky, U.S.A. I am a graduate student at the University of Oulu…